All the tools you need to analyse your miRNAs


miRNA Databases

Analysis Scheme:
miR2Disease, a manually curated database, aims at providing a comprehensive resource of miRNA deregulation in various human diseases. Each entry contains detailed information on a miRNA-disease relationship, including miRNA ID, disease name, a brief description of the miRNA-disease relationship, miRNA expression pattern in the disease state, detection method for miRNA expression, experimentally verified miRNA target gene(s), and literature reference.

Homepage: Link

Last Software Update: April 2, 2008
Publication Date: Jan. 1, 2009
Citations: 647 [via Pubmed]

Organism Specific:
  • human

  • Reference Genome Needed:
    Online/Local: /
    Installation/User Level: easy
    User Adjustability:
    User support:
    Precomputed Target Results Available For Download:
  • miRBase
  • TarBase
  • PubMed

  • miRNA Databases
    Software Used For Target Prediction:
  • MicroCosm
  • TargetScan
  • PicTar

  • Data Collection:
  • miRNA basic information
  • target experimental
  • predicted target
  • diseases/pathways
  • literature mining
  • miRNA expression

  • Comments & Ratings
    • NOOR CHAMAN Thu 17 Jan 2019 12:46
      this tool can help my study
    • Ayesha Safdar Sun 03 May 2020 09:58
      easy to handle