All the tools you need to analyse your miRNAs


Target Prediction Novel miRNA/Precursor Prediction

psRobot is designed to analyze batch of plant small RNA data.The online version of psRobot has two modules. The stem-loop small RNA prediction module can identify stem-loop shaped smRNAs, including their expression in major plant smRNA biogenesis gene mutants and smRNA associated protein complexes to give clues to the smRNA generation and functional processes, their genome locations and precursor sequences. The second one, small RNA target prediction module, can return target prediction results of smRNAs, including smRNA target list, target multiplicity, target site conservation and biological data support, such as degradome data and target expression data in small RNA biogenesis mutants.

Homepage: Link

Last Software Update: Jan. 24, 2013
Publication Date: June 12, 2012
Citations: 245 [via Pubmed]

Organism Specific:
  • plants

  • Reference Genome Needed: (online) / (local)
    Online/Local: /
    Installation/User Level: easy / intermediate
    User Adjustability:
    User support:
    Precomputed Target Results Available For Download:
    Performance : Accuracy: 94%
    License: Free for academic use
    Target Prediction
    Algorithm Features:
  • seed match
  • conservation
  • target-site abundance
  • 3' compensatory pairing
  • G:U pairs allowed in the seed

  • Target Region: any
    Target Annotation:
    NGS Data Needed:
    Novel miRNA/Precursor Prediction
    Prediction Features:
  • structure
  • conservation

  • Novel miRNA / Precursor Analysis: Prediction
    NGS Data Needed:

    Comments & Ratings