Oasis 2.0
Target Prediction Novel miRNA/Precursor Prediction Sequencing Analysis Target Functional Analysis Differential Expression Analysis Known miRNA Identification
Oasis is a web application that allows for the fast and flexible online analysis of small-RNA-seq (sRNA-seq) data. Oasis’ exclusive selling points are a differential expression module that allows for the multivariate analysis of samples, a classification module for robust biomarker detection and an advanced programming interface that supports the batch submission of jobs. Both modules include the analysis of novel miRNAs, miRNA targets and functional analyses including GO and pathway enrichment.
Homepage: Link
Last Software Update: Jan. 27, 2016
Publication Date: Feb. 19, 2015
Citations: 34 [via Pubmed]
Organism Specific:
Reference Genome Needed:
Installation/User Level: easy
User Adjustability:
User support:
Precomputed Target Results Available For Download:
Algorithm: miRanda, miRDeep 2.0