Target Prediction Target Functional Analysis
IntaRNA is a program for the fast and accurate prediction of interactions between two RNA molecules. It has been designed to predict mRNA target sites for given non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) like eukaryotic microRNAs (miRNAs) or bacterial small RNAs (sRNAs), but it can also be used to predict other types of RNA-RNA interactions.
Homepage: Link
Last Software Update: Feb. 27, 2012
Publication Date: Oct. 21, 2008
Citations: 266 [via Pubmed]
Organism Specific:
Reference Genome Needed:
Installation/User Level: intermediate (problem with installation)
User Adjustability:
User support:
Precomputed Target Results Available For Download:
(for single bacterial species)
Performance : Sensitivity: 78.3%, Specificity: 78.7%