Novel miRNA/Precursor Prediction
novoMiRank is a tool for ranking novel miRNAs that have been predicted from next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. Since in later miRBase versions the increase of miRNAs derived from NGS data and prediction tools is noticeable, we provide with our tool a way to compare user-defined novel miRNAs to e.g. early miRBase versions and rank the user input miRNAs according to their distance from the distribution of the selected reference miRBase versions.
Homepage: Link
Last Software Update: Dec. 1, 2015
Publication Date: Dec. 3, 2015
Citations: 38 [via Pubmed]
Organism Specific:
Reference Genome Needed:
Installation/User Level: easy
User Adjustability:
User support:
Precomputed Target Results Available For Download: