miRNA Databases
miRTarBase provides information about experimentally validated miRNA-target interactions (MTIs). The latest update of the miRTarBase expanded it to identify systematically Argonaute-miRNA-RNA interactions from 138 crosslinking and immunoprecipitation sequencing (CLIP-seq) data sets that were generated by 21 independent studies. The database contains 4966 articles, 7439 strongly validated MTIs (using reporter assays or western blots) and 348 007 MTIs from CLIP-seq. The number of MTIs in the miRTarBase has increased around 7-fold since the 2014 miRTarBase update.
Homepage: Link
Last Software Update: Sept. 15, 2015
Publication Date: Nov. 20, 2015
Citations: 570 [via Pubmed]
Organism Specific:
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Installation/User Level: easy
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Precomputed Target Results Available For Download: